Tag Archive for: Market Trends

balancing short-term gains and long-term success

Overcoming Obstacles to Build a Data-Driven Culture for Your CRE Firm

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Despite many CRE companies producing thousands and thousands of data points and having the required conversations around how to leverage the information, a true data-driven culture frequently remains just out of reach.
balancing short-term gains and long-term success

Addressing Distrust in Data with CRE Tech and Reporting

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CRE technology can greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to generate these reports while boosting your credibility and increasing your confidence (and that of your stakeholders) in the data.
balancing short-term gains and long-term success

Managing Increased Scrutiny in CRE During Times of Uncertainty

The best way to successfully navigate uncharted waters is to proactively leverage data and reporting, minimize impacts to your bottom-line, and manage investor expectations.
balancing short-term gains and long-term success

5 Signs You Need Asset Management Software

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With benefits that include enabling data-driven decision-making, driving operational efficiencies, and eliminating manual processes, those who fail to adopt technology risk getting left behind.